
To become a tech-company that enriches the world through lifestyle innovation.

Our Vision

To deliver “Experienceable rich content”
to the world
Future contents are rich contents you ‘experience’.
The amount of information in a 1 minute video is said to be about 1.8 million in text. With the launch of 5G in 2020, all the information that has traditionally been conveyed in text and still images will be replaced with rich content that can influence consumer attitudes more. Through the introduction of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and video technology, OPEN8 is working to lead the 5G era.


Create the Future of Communication DX with Content Technology


Video BRAIN is a service that supports DX promotion by using video to solve communication issues in corporate activities.
From video production, distribution, and analysis
We are a one-stop solution provider for video.


With the service of OPEN8
Accelerating business.

Initiatives in Realizing a Sustainable Society

OPEN8’s efforts to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted at the UN Summit.